Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Springing along on the Nature Trail

Something in the genus Hieracium.

Mourning cloak butterfly

Mr. and Mrs. Mallard checking out the local selection of duckweed.

(Sorry, Mom!) I think I might be a Parseltongue.

No sooner did I wonder aloud if the garter snakes might be awake,

did two of them start rustling through the grass.

Happy Spring!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Sunday, March 13, 2011

They come, they eat, they leave. It's the same thing year after year!

The snow geese have found their way back to the corn field down the road. This annual ritual makes me feel rooted and connected to this land. Hello and good-bye, my brilliant little friends. Safe journeys to your summer nesting grounds.