Saturday, October 15, 2016

No filters

Here I am, receiving my official World Tae Kwon Do Federation, Kukkiwon Black Belt.
I thought about editing this picture to make me look taller, slimmer, younger ...
But this is me.  This is real.  This is a short. plump, middle aged nurse who is now a Black Belt.
Wanna make something of it?

Tae Kwon Do is for everyone.   Come and play with us!

Monday, September 12, 2016

Some days you're the Osprey. Some days you're the fish.

And some days, you're the lucky photographer who happens upon a moment like this.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

A study in green

I have always enjoyed watching the birds, but I didn't always see what was right in front of me. Until a few years ago, I didn't even know that Green Herons existed. But exist, they do, and right down the road from me in a swamp that I rarely look at on my way to work.


What other treasures have I overlooked?

Thursday, June 16, 2016

So, where have I been?

A kind commenter asked where I went. Has it really been three years since I used this platform? I'm still here. I still marvel at the beauty of my little corner of Jefferson County, New York. I still try to capture that beauty with my camera. These days, though, the pictures live on my Facebook page, where I reach a wider audience. Where else have I been? Training at Sunset Tae Kwon Do. This crazy middle aged broad is now a Black Belt! Who could have imagined that? I have a few things to say about this adventure, and I will write about them soon. On this beautiful day, however, I am going to go out and putter in my weedy garden. See you soon! ~~ miniature rose ~~