Thursday, November 04, 2004

I already did!!!

For those seeking refuge from Tuesday's debacle - a new website for you:

I love the pledge:

Now that George W. Bush has been declared the official winner of the November 2 election and shall become the President of the United States for four more years of idiocy, I the undersigned, a Canadian citizen, pledge to liberate, through the legal and binding act of marriage, a willing citizen of the United States of America, of a gender of my choosing, and with one or all of the following political leanings:

discouraged Democrat,
reformed Republican,
apolitical with limited world-domination tendencies.
In addition, I promise to help my new Yankee spouse to adapt to life in the great white north, keeping them safe from (gratuitous) invasion of privacy, and to provide him/her with a reasonable supply of Timbits

The website is satirical.

My pledge to keep Steve in Timbits is not.

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