Thursday, February 09, 2006


A trip planner courtesy of Tim Horton's!

There are 82 centres of double-double worship within 2 kilometers of the route between my house and my brother's place in Malton.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very cool. I only go to Tim Hortons about twice a month, but still, this is a very cool tool. I do sometimes travel with Timmy's fans, so I will have to use this tool next time.

There are exactly 100 Tim Hortons within 2km of the route between my home on the east coast to God's country in Ontario (also known as my Dad's ancestral home).

Also to note, within a 10 mile radius of my home there are 82 Tim's. Precisely the number on your trip. Interesting. That means you have to come here to visit. I must admit I was surprised at the high number in my area.

Very fun.