Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The Road Less Travelled

Alternatively entitled: For fast relief, slow down.

On our way to an Easter family gathering in Pennsylvania, we meandered off of I-81 for a while. We had to stop briefly to allow a family of domestic geese to cross.

Route 11 runs nearly parallel to I-81, yet it is a world apart. We traversed the same sections of New York and Pennsylvania, but saw this land in a completely different way.

On Route 11, just north of Binghamton, NY, there is a Laotian Buddhist Temple. It is also visible from I-81, but I had never noticed it before. I've seen the exit signs for Homer, NY, but never realized that it is a charming historical site.

We decided to take Route 11 all the way home from our hotel. It took a little longer, and it was worth it.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, how idyllic!!