Tuesday, June 19, 2007

What a surprise.

Via Bloomberg News:

The U.S. and Russia have agreed to dismantle the U.N. agency that searched Iraq for weapons of mass destruction and affirm that Saddam Hussein's government had no such arms at the time of the American invasion in March 2003.

Three thousand, five hundred, and twenty nine, and counting, sacrificed at the wrong altar.

.. affirm that Saddam Hussein's government had no such arms at the time of the American invasion in March 2003.

Do you feel safer, America? Do you care?

.. no such arms at the time ..

To those of you out there, who still willingly gulp Neo-Con Kool-Aid: It's time to pony up. Go and visit your local Army recruiter. Strap on some combat boots, and take your turn in the desert.

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