Wednesday, December 30, 2009

That chickadee feeling

So, when one's car is still being held hostage by an inept and inefficient parts delivery system, and work is hellacious, and one's patience is stretched to the brink by people who seem to operate under the assumption that their failure to plan should launch others yours truly into crisis mode, there's only one solution:

Channel St Francis of Assisi, and feed the birds.

The downy woodpecker and the mourning doves kept their distance, but my beloved little chickadees hopped right onto my outstretched hand, and picked up their sunflower seeds in the swiftest, most delicate fashion.

The birdies have already got that whole "channel of thy peace" thing down cold. If only we humans could follow suit.


Anonymous said...

Keep the faith,
2010 has got to be better than 2009, ( we hope)

Happy New Year to all


Val said...

Gorgeous photos!!