Friday, March 25, 2005

My first interview!!

Dana of Note-It Posts has invited me to play the blog interview game! I will answer the five questions that she has posed of me, and I invite other miniature rose readers to join in on the fun. Here are the rules:
Leave me a comment saying "interview me". The first five people to respond will be the next participants, and will update their respective sites with the answers to the five questions that I will pose. Include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions (original or borrowed, n'importe quoi.)

And onto Dana's questions!

1. Exactly how many ponchos do you think you'll end up making before the obsession runs out?
I completed #4 today. I have enough Lion Brand Homespun to make one more of the Coming Home Poncho. I've promised myself that I will stop there and get back to quilting - my fabric stash is ever so patient. I know that I'm kidding myself. There are more ponchos to be made!
This morning, while sipping my first cuppa coffee, I had a vision of hostessing a stitch-and-bitch session, after which a whole lotta uppity poncho-clad women would storm the next board of education meeting. The budget would be tweaked, kings of obfuscation would meekly resign, and my son's teacher would no longer be in the line of fire for insane budget cuts.

2. Your son is seven years old now. What has been the hardest age so far, and why?
Potty training (between the ages of three and four) was excruciating. William was a late talker, which made the process all the more frustrating. I will never potty-train another human being in my life!

3. What did your family think of your moving to the United States?
At first, my dad didn't believe that I was serious. I believe he thought I was being "childish and impulsive" when I returned from a two-week trip to Louisiana and announced that I was going to move there. My mom understood the necessity of the move, given my working situation at the time. I had a good job - I was a Public Health Nurse - but layoffs were looming, I had no seniority, and I really wasn't using my degree or my skills to their best advantage. The relationship between my union and management was strained at best, toxic at worst, and I hated it. I went to work at a non-unionized hospital (Beauregard Memorial Hospital in DeRidder, LA) and loved it. There was an aura of mutual respect between labor and management that I had never experienced in a unionized environment.

My parents definitely didn't believe me when I told them that I intended to marry Steve. There was some hurt and shock along the way, but time heals all wounds. Eventually, they accepted my choices. Now, I think they like Steve more than they like me.

4. What is your most embarrassing addiction?

I can't stop at just one!
Ponchos, obviously. The Manolo Shoe Blog. The wedding announcements in the New York Times. Other bitchy blogs which snipe at celebrities. Potato chips.

5. Which children's song did you hear and/or sing TOO MANY TIMES when your son was little? You know, the one that if you heard it just once more you'd lose it?
That would be the theme song from Stanley.
However I am eternally grateful for the existence of Stanley and all of the Playhouse Disney crew. The computer room is situated in a part of the house that is shut off from where the TV was. On the morning of September 11th, and in the dark days that followed, Stanley kept my son occupied and far away from the television. It was a horrible day for everyone, of course, but my mother-in-law worked on the 34th floor of the North Tower. It was fortuitous that Stanley distracted my son from the terrible images and from my anxiety, terror and grief. (My mother-in-law made it out of the building safely, by the way.)
To this day, the opening notes of Stanley's theme song bring back the terrible visceral memories of that morning.

Holy smokes I'm verbose!!

Thanks for the questions, Dana!


margilowry said...

Great questions (obviously, I'm a little biased) but your answers were fabulous. Nicely done!

Anonymous said...

Great interview!!! I very much enjoyed reading your answers. And as to your verbosity (I may have made that up ;-) I think you come by it henestly and it suits you, naturally.

Keep up the great words!!

Anstruther said...

How many ponchos are you up to now?