I have quit drinking coffee. Cold turkey.
The beautiful, shiny Cuisinart has been retired to the basement.
It's true. Miniature Rose, she of the "they can have my coffee when they pry the mug from my cold dead fingers" has placed herself of a strict regimen of water, tomato juice, and herbal tea.
The martini clinical trials have come to an abrupt end, as well.
This morning, while surfing and enjoying a cuppa, I felt a weird fluttering in my chest. Then I felt it again .. and again .. and again. Just a fluttering - no pain, no nausea, no dizziness, no tachycardia. Strange.
A quick google search pointed to caffeine and alcohol as possible culprits. Magnesium and potassium deficiencies are also likely possibilities. Eliminating my daily
Yes, Mom, I hear you saying why didn't you go to the clinic??? Well, our clinic is closed for a training holiday today, for starters. More importantly, it's highly likely that the ~ahem~ professionals at the clinic would fixate on the fact that Steve left precisely one week ago, pat me on the head, and send me home with a bottle of xanax or valium. No, thank you.
Sniff. Bye-bye, coffee, my dear old friend.
You'll be ok without coffee!! I NEVER drink the stuff (then again, I substitute it with a coke a day, so I guess I have my own caffeine addiction. I'm addicted to coke! LOL!)
Way to go!!! You will definitely benefit from the decrease in caffeine!
I'm sorry to hear that you were having flutters in your chest, and I truly hope that it is just nothing.
But remember, moderation is the key. If you feel like having either a Martini or a coffee every once and a while (once a week or once a month) it will probably be a nice treat for you. But of course you are the best judge of that.
Also remember that there is such a thing as caffeine withdrawal, so be on the lookout for headaches and the such. Perhaps a bit of extra dark chocolate might ease any symptoms you might feel.
About Caffeine withdrawal: Often, people who are reducing caffeine intake report being irritable, unable to work, nervous, restless, and feeling sleepy, as well as having a headache. In extreme cases, nausea and vomiting has also been reported. From this page: http://www.faqs.org/faqs/caffeine-faq/
So don't worry if you get other symptoms - it might just be the caffeine coming out of your system - and not related to your flutterings.
Take care! Love ya!
If you believe my doctor advice, you should not have any aches and pains,now that coffee, tea and soft drinks are no longer your friend. I guess that it will now be BYOC
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