Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Companion animals and their footwear preferences

Who wears the boots in this family? Gandalf, that's who! This photo was not staged. Gandalf really does have a boot fetish:

Gandalf is a huge cat with strange tufts on his ears. He literally appeared on our doorstep one day, about 2 years ago. He was just a tiny, helpless, normal-looking kitten then, so we thought, what the hell? What's one more cat? Now, we're not quite sure what he is. Maine Coon? Part bobcat? Alien? Who knows? He is loveable on his own terms, keeps the mice population well under control (as evidenced by the regular appearance of the viscera of rodents on the doorstep) and keeps us amused with his quirks. I don't think he would enjoy wearing pink stilettos, though.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you check the boots, before you put them on.