Saturday, January 28, 2006

Quote of the day

"American coffee just isn't the same thing," said one grizzled warrant officer, making a face at his morning cup of coffee in the base's mess tent.

"I'd pay some serious coin for a good cup of Timmies."

Source: Ottawa Citizen article about senior Canadian Officers trying to get a Tim Horton's franchise installed at the base in Khandahar, Afghanistan.


Anonymous said...

Well now that Mr. Harper is in office, here is to double doubles on BIAP!

Rose said...

Oh honey, do I need to explain how a minority gov't works?




Anonymous said...

I think Tim Hortons coffee should always accompany large groups of Canadian troops. I am not a coffee drinker, but I know how much people love their timmies. It would be a nice perk for those who serve our country abroad. IMHO. A couple of years ago, I think Tim Hortons actually featured our troops in one of their commercials.