Thursday, March 30, 2006

The Goddess of Laundry salutes The God of The Sea

Oh happy day!!! The new Maytag Neptune washing machine has arrived!

When I ordered my new toy, the salesclerk asked if I was buying the matched set. No, I replied. I have a solar-powered dryer. The salesclerk's eyes grew as wide as Neptune itself for a moment, until she caught on to my wry Canadian sense of humour.

I might have to start attending the Maytag Anonymous 12 step program. On sunny days, such as this one, my first thought is "what can I wash?" Hanging the laundry on the clothesline puts Miniature Rose into a state of sheer bliss.

I have no laundry left to do, and tomorrow's weather forecast indicates that it will be sunny, with a high of 72F. If you're in the area, bring your laundry to me.

No, I'm not kidding.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOOHOO!!! Congratulations!!!! If only I was close enough to bring you my laundry for the full 'Laundry Goddess' treatment...if only....