Saturday, June 23, 2007

An open letter to the administrators of the VA hospital in Iron Mountain, MI:

It has been brought to my attention that you are refusing to play along with the state Governor's order that flags be lowered to half mast for 24 hours following the death of a Michigan soldier killed in the line of duty.

The New York Times reports that:

The Stars and Stripes in front of the Veterans of Foreign Wars lodge here flies at half-staff because Gov. Jennifer M. Granholm issued a statewide order to lower the flag for 24 hours to honor a Michigan soldier killed in Iraq.

Just blocks away, however, at the veterans’ hospital run by federal officials who say they do not answer to the governor the flag flutters at full staff.

You, the powers that be at the VA Hospital in Iron Mountain, are assholes.

You are assholes of the highest order.

You are assholes who are so blindingly stupid that you are willing to further blacken the eye of the VA for the sake of standing your regulation-bound ground.

Lower the flag. Show some respect to your patients.

That is all. Carry on.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

3 July, 2007

I was delighted this AM to hear, on CNN, that in the future, VA Hospitals and other government buildings in a State of the USA will
follow the edict of the Governor of the State in honoring the deceased, by flying the flag at half mast.

As I said last month, Bravo!