On the bottom picture: there are at least 11 that I can see, possibly 12. Enlarge the picture and you can see one that may be nursing behind a doe, and that same doe could possibly be standing over a twelfth one.
A transplanted Canadian, married to a retired American soldier. Mother of a sixteen year old young man who is one of a kind. Homeschooler. Registered Nurse. Unapologetic treehugging liberal. Photographer. Quilter. Knitter. Perpetually sleep-deprived queen of unfinished crafting projects. Goddess of laundry. Strangely obsessed with haiku. Welcome to my world!
On the bottom picture: there are at least 11 that I can see, possibly 12. Enlarge the picture and you can see one that may be nursing behind a doe, and that same doe could possibly be standing over a twelfth one.
Great photos! I think I see 11, including the small one standing behind the doe near the middle.
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