Friday, December 23, 2005

Spammers are scummy

From my inbox:

Unauthorized access to your PayPal account!

We recently noticed more attempts to log in to your PayPal account from a foreign IP address.

If you accessed your account while traveling, the unusual log in attempts may have been initiated by you. However, if you are the rightfull holder of the account, please visit Paypal as soon as possible to verify your identity:

Click here to verify your account

You can also verify your account by logging into your PayPal account at
If you choose to ignore our request, you leave us no choise but to temporaly suspend your account.

We ask that you allow at least 72 hours for the case to be investigated and we strongly recommend to verify your account in that time.

Thank you for using PayPal!
The PayPal Team

Dear Dickheads who think they can fool me with this phishing scam:

I received your email this morning. Nice try. You might stand a chance if you could actually spell. When I see words like rightfull and choise and temporaly, my spidey senses start tingling, and I know that it's a scam.



Stacy said...

You made me laugh with this post. I think that everytime I get one of those emails.

Anonymous said...

I periodicaly get bulk mail scams asking me to verify my ebay account. I have yet to reply with an obsenity. However I am tempted.