Sunday, January 22, 2006

Don't eat your ballot, eh?

So, tomorrow is election day in Canada. The election that no-one wanted will be history as of tomorrow.

There's a good article on the CTV website that reminds us that it is, in fact, illegal to spoil one's ballot.

According to section 167(2)(a) of the Canada Elections Act, "no person shall wilfully alter, deface or destroy a ballot." Conviction could bring a $500 fine or three months in jail -- even though the chances of getting caught are effectively nil.

Nil, that is, unless the spoiler wants to make a show of the protest -- by eating the ballot, for example.

So, even though he'd be a better Prime Minister than any of the current candidates, don't write "Wayne Gretzky" on your ballot, eh?

For the record, I voted for Joseph Sahadat of the Green Party. Yes, JeffDem, you guessed correctly! I have a feeling that the Green Party will pull in much more of the popular vote than the pollsters predicted.


Anonymous said...

Over 1 millions canadian voted in the advance polls on Jan. 13, 14 and the 16. That is a fact!!!!!!!!!!!
on the 20th of January the media ( who think that they are the greatest thing since sliced bread ) are forecasting a Conservation victory. My questions are
:1) how did they know who we voted for?
2) The polls that they said told them so , were they taken just in the part of the 416 area code of Ontario?
3) if the media has decided that indeed Harper and his merry band of people will form the Gov't, why did we vote at all ?
As you can surmise from the above, my list of people has just gotten bigger.


Anonymous said...

I miss the RrreEEEEfffOooorrrmmmm Party of Preston Manning and others.