Friday, February 16, 2007

Incarceration Nation


A 9 year old boy, a Canadian citizen, is being
detained in an "immigration detention center" in Texas.

The story is quite convoluted. The boy was born in Toronto. His parents fled Iran in 1995, and tried for 10 years to gain asylum in Canada. In 2005, they were deported back to Iran. The parents were allegedly imprisoned and abused again, but the family managed to flee to Turkey, where they obtained fake passports. They made their way to Guyana, and were on a direct flight from there to Toronto when the plane was diverted to Puerto Rico because of another passenger's mid-flight heart attack. They have been detained in T. Don Hutto Family Detention Center in Taylor, Texas.

This family was not attempting to enter the United States.

This has nothing to do with the United States.

This needs to be resolved at once.

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