Saturday, March 17, 2007

More excitement at the feeding station!

There are now two(!!) pairs of cardinals dining at Casa di Miniature Rose. Here, Reddy Freddy and Bob Cardy are checking out Claudia Cardinale. Despite the fresh coat of snow, those boys have a bad case of spring fever. They're flitting all over the place, trying to impress the ladies with their bold plumage. I think Bob has a slight edge right now.
Yes, that's a cabbage leaf just above Bob. I peel the outer leaves off the head and put them out for BunBun and associates. My son has proclaimed cabbage to be his new favourite vegetable, which he eats raw and unadulterated by such blasphemous additions as cole slaw dressing. Yesterday, he requested that I purchase MORE CABBAGE PLEASE!! Well, what's a Mom to do except make a special trip to the Super Walmart for more cruciferous veggies? I know, I know, I spoil that child.


Anonymous said...

Guess they are as confused as some plants and trees are, here in Florida. There's stuff blooming that shouldn't show up for another couple of months.

Have you had any redpolls this year? They are abundant
in the adirondacks, but on occasion, inb the winter, they stray south and west,
an used to show up at my feeders every few years.KMC

Rose said...

No redpolls here, but my friend out on Pillar Point has them at her feeders.