Saturday, October 20, 2007


Shaun has tagged me to list eight things I like about me. Aieee! It is a difficult exercise.

1. As Shaun says, I'm feisty, both here and in the real world. Although I tend to self-censor on my blog, I do write in my true voice.

2. I am positive, cheerful, and effervescent by nature, even at the end of a 12 hour night shift.

3. I am frugal.

4. I am reliable.

5. I am capable of seeing an issue from several different perspectives.

6. I have a knack for languages. I speak French fluently, and I can get by in Italian.

7. I am a good photographer.

8. I am creative and crafty.

I am not going to tag anyone in particular, but if you have a blog and can write about eight of your best qualities, leave a note in my comments!


Anonymous said...

I totally agree with the eight qualities you've listed!! I betcha I could list a thousand things I like about you ~ because you are so amazing!!

Love ya!!

Anonymous said...

So true! You're very sensible too.