Monday, February 25, 2008

Have no fear, soldier!

Mickey Mouse is here to save the day!

It seems that the wise people at Walter Reed Army Medical Center have enlisted the Disney Institute to assist with their hellacious systemic F.U. attitude customer service difficulties.

All government and military staff members at WRAMC will "experience the business behind the magic" in day-long seminars given by trainers from the Disney Institute. Yes, there really is such a thing, and their pixie dust will be sprinkled all over WRAMC for the bargain price of $800,000.

Your tax dollars at work, ladies and gentleman. Doesn't that make you all warm and fuzzy inside?


Anonymous said...

That's cheap compared to the television converter boxes our tax dollars are buying.

I've got an idea. Why don't we treat our injured soldiers who served the country with dignity and respect?

There's your pixiedust. Gack.

Anonymous said...

The idea behind the program is good. It is to remind staff that the patient is your customer, ie they pay your salary.

I said after my sojourn in BGH the staff need to learn a customer service mentality.

The philosophy of personal responsibility has to extend to the staff. It is my responsibility to make sure this soldier gets the best service I can give him.