Sunday, January 16, 2005

Feeling a little like Rip Van Winkle

Thanks to Flylady, I no longer equate housework with drudgery. I've always enjoyed doing laundry, and I find that the hands-and-knees, bucket-and-scrub-brush method of floor cleaning is not only the most effective technique, but is also a highly therapeutic activity as well.

I did not realize that I was a part of a larger sociological phenomenon. Wow. The onerous chores of scrubbing, sweeping and dusting are suddenly chic, with cleaning turning into a psychological salve for folks frustrated with the chaotic state of society.

Being TV-less, I was also unaware that there is a show about cleaning house:

Lifetime's How Clean Is Your House?, which began airing in September, is a graphic depiction of some of the foulest residences in the United States.

Squalid homes that make county fair Johnny On the Spots look appealing are whipped into shape with the help of a pair of hostesses - one British, one Scottish, both sassy - who aren't above berating homeowners.

Ewwww .. is there no shame any more? Are people so desperate for their 15 minutes of fame that they will go on national television to be told that their children are sleeping in "cat poo?"

I need a shower.

And some of those pink latex gloves.

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