There is something that I would like to bring to your attention. Although they are cozy, the booths at Red Lobster are not soundproof, anonymous sanctuaries. I would also like to point out that your voice is loud and it carries over great distances, especially when you are agitated about something.
I am not in the habit of purposefully eavesdropping on private conversations, but, try as I might, I could not ignore your ranting. Believe me, I tried. I really, really wanted to enjoy lunch with my husband and my son. In a few short weeks, my husband will be in Baghdad, and I will spend the next year or so holding my breath while trying to hold it together for the sake of our son. But your complaining voice intruded upon our little oasis of calm.
My mamma taught me to respect my elders, so I refrained from addressing you at the restaurant. Mamma didn't say anything about blogging about annoying people, so here I go. What I really want to tell you, cranky old woman, is this:
If, for the duration of an entire meal, you can complain about the situation concerning access to your boat launch .. you have nothing to complain about. SHUT. UP.
Oh my Lord thank you so much. I hope by some weird means that lady sees that blog. How funny but irritating at the same time. Having lived near Henderson Harbor my whole life, my quiet days are often interrupted by these rude selfish people. Wah wah Lexus has a gas ping, I have bird poop on my chaise, my driveway is toooooo gravelly...OY!! Get over yourselves!!
You know it's so funny. My mom and I went to Red Lobster tonight and I was telling her about your blog. Just as we were getting done dinner, the hostess seated this woman and her friends next to us and she was so raucous! We only had to listen to her five minutes. I can imagine what you went through!
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