Thursday, September 01, 2005

Leadership in a time of dire need

I tend to self-censor on my blog. I have some strong opinions on certain topics, like Iraq and the Commander-in-Chief, but I usually refrain from expressing them here. I am guided by the Italian idiom, "non sputtare sulla tuo piatto." (Don't spit on your plate.)
If you know me in real life, you surely know my views. If you are a virtual friend with an opposing standpoint, my opinion is unlikely to change yours.
Today, however, I am unable to restrain myself after reading about Bush's statement on GMA this morning: "I don't think anyone expected the breaches of the levees."
My response to the Commander in Chief is laced with obscenities, so I will defer to General Wesley Clark's blog piece about the President's leadership, or lack thereof, in this catastrophe. Please read it, and click through on all the links.


Anonymous said...

RYC: I'm glad Canada is helping out. I'm not sure what country it was that made that statement, I was just pissed off about it. I know a few countries are helping out. It's just that one (whichever one it was).

Anonymous said...

Thank you for linking to this post. VERY thought-provoking.