Friday, November 25, 2005

Making Baby Jesus cry

We observed Buy Nothing Day today, thus avoiding the madness that is Black Friday.

Many people were so hell-bent to save a few bucks on crap they didn't need Christmas gifts for their loved ones that they lined up in the cold for hours.

As always, things got violent and ugly. Yeah, I know I should feel some compassion for an elderly lady who got knocked down in the melee at an electronics store. She could be my mom, blah blah blah. Well, my mom is smart enough to avoid stampedes. So, um, nope, I don't feel sorry for the stupid sheeple anyone who was injured today. Caveat emptor.


Anonymous said...

Since you said you don't have any simpathy for these people, I have to admit I got a good laugh out the old lady getting plowed at the store! That's a horrible thing for me to say. I just had this picture in my mind of this little old lady standing in front of a wave of people, completely oblivious to the fact that she is about ready to be trampled at the sound of the door opening. Okay so I'm probably one of the more immature people that enjoy reading your blogs! Needless to say though, my wife didn't go shopping that day.


Anonymous said...

I wasn't going anywhere on Friday!! Nope, not me. I prefer to do my shopping on weekdays when all kids and working folks are busy with school and working! Better yet, ONLINE!!