Saturday, December 03, 2005

Quote of the day

"I really get the feeling sometimes, especially in this country — and it could be true for Canada, too — that the two parties get together in a secret room somewhere and they go, `They think there's a contest!'* And it's all just being controlled by corporations, anyway. But they have us go out there and run through the paces just to make us believe that we have a choice. And sometimes I really think that we don't ... When I see these giant corporations sucking up every aspect of media and everything else, I realize you can't say anything to them, because they own the toilet paper you wipe your ass with. It's a very strange feeling, you know?"

Jim Carrey, in today's Toronto Star.

Incidentally, the article's byline is a little misleading. Mr. Carrey, a dual US-Canadian citizen, will not be voting in the Canadian elections on January 23, 2006. The article implies that he has chosen not to participate in the voting process. Since his primary residence is not in Canada, he would not be eligible to vote, anyway. I'm in the same boat. If I could vote, I would vote for The Green Party of Canada.

*C'mon, you know it's true. The 2004 election was the ultimate F.U. from the Skull and Bones Society.


Rose said...

Sorry Jeff, can't hear you .. I have my tinfoil hat pulled down around my ears ;)

Anonymous said...


Just think of how much money we could make by selling tin foil hats - gee, we could even buy the toilet paper companies!! Then who'd have the (wiping) power?!