The goslings have already made their debut.
Mr. and Mrs. Mallard await the arrival of their progeny.
We watched this swan working on her nest.
There are at least twenty swans on the lake right now.
We are awed by their beauty.
This does nothing to quell my technolust. I've been havering for a DSLR camera, but am paralyzed by the number of choices right now. (Poor moi!) On days like this, it takes a great deal of restraint to not cash out my floundering 401K, buy the biggest, baddest DSLR on the market, and beg National Geographic for a job.
Great photos!!!! You should definitely come here this summer so you can try out Will's 'work's' Canon EOS 1D Mark 3. It's one of the top of the line dslr cameras. He also has 3 lenses with it, too. It'll definitely be worth the drive!! LOL!! We'd love to see you!!
@Val ~ I don't think I have enough in my 401K to buy that particular camera!
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