Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Gone too soon

Today, came the news of a premature and tragic death. A young man, just 29, who had contributed so much, is gone.

No, I am not talking about Heath Ledger.

The body of Army Specialist Laurence Holloway, aged 29, was discovered in his barracks room on Fort Drum on Sunday.

He was an Army Medic and an ambulance driver, who had served in Afghanistan. At the time of his death - the cause of which is "under investigation" - he was in the 3rd of the 85th, otherwise known as the Warrior Transition Battalion. Until recently, the Army called that unit the "Medical Hold" unit - the place where wounded/injured/ill soldiers marked time until the Army figured out what to do with them.

I cannot imagine what he might have seen and experienced on his tour of duty.

I do not know what happened to him.

But I weep for his family.


Patti said...

What is happening to us? And why does it seem like no one is paying attention?

Jenny said...

Sorry for this young man's family's loss. I'm sure he touched many lives in his own short life.